Unleashing Employee Potential

– African proverb –

In many organisations the most wasted resources are probably the employees. Although employees know best what causes execution problems and how to meet customer expectations, there is no proper process in place to harvest this unique knowledge.

Engagement to understand the problem and empowerment to find the solution will greatly improve ownership by employees and turn-around time of implementation. Employees are being challenged to learn and develop by small steps of change or stretching every week.

Frequent and consistent action improvement will create better results, higher staff motivation, and continuous personal development. The manager will show care and control in the interest of both the individual, the customer and the organisation.

Our blogs about Unleashing Employee Potential

Do we have the right people?

‘Do we have the right people?’ you may ask. You will never ‘get’ the right kind of people but you rather have to make the people ‘right’ for the job. That does not imply that you have to deal for always with the employees that you will find in your new managerial job,

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Make meetings more effective (part 2)

I like meetings and I organize lots of them but nowadays people seem to prefer seeking feedback and decision making by e-mail, rather than having a meeting. Seeking guidance and commitment by sending an e-mail to a number of people is, however, also often not very effective. Some recipients respond by starting an e-mail debate creating a huge trail of questions and answers.

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Make meetings more effective (part 1)

I like meetings and I organize lots of them but nowadays people seem to prefer seeking feedback and decision making by e-mail, rather than having a meeting. Seeking guidance and commitment by sending an e-mail to a number of people is, however, also often not very effective. Some recipients respond by starting an e-mail debate creating a huge trail of questions and answers.

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Unleashing Employee Potential in your organisation?

Management Master Mind is a platform that facilitates exchange of today’s’ leadership opportunities/challenges and share practical solutions. For the self-starters, there is a very structured and practical guideline as captured in the book on Behavioral Leadership. For those that like to get more examples of challenges and success stories, there is a blog for all five focus ambitions. Finally, there will be workshops, consulting and coaching for those that prefer more in-depth engagement and exchange.

The book on Behavioral Leadership

A step-by-step interactive approach to create success through employee and customer engagement covering all ambitions.

The blog on challenges and success-stories

A variety of easy-to-read articles that give more practical insights on the five ambitions that drive success.

Get in touch for more engagement and exchange

You are invited to share your personal challenge or opportunity and see how more exchange support can be organized.