Managing Disruption and Change
– James Cash Penney –
How to avoid spending too much on development and betting on the wrong horse or spending too little -or too late- and facing a gap with competition that cannot be bridged anymore?
Low risk, fast innovation with quick assessment and improvement, is crucial to keep track on developments.Agile, lean, scrum, and other new techniques are being used in IT projects but there is a need to use similar principles also in other departments or organisations.
The goal is to replace lengthy revolutionary development processes by faster and more evolutionary steps. As a result development and innovation will become more flexible to adapt to a changing environment.
Our blogs about Managing Disruption and Change
Who needs Change management nowadays? You need digital disruption management! But where to start?
The world is changing and the internet is disrupting our lives and our businesses. Some businesses perceive these developments as a threat or a risk and as a result, they act defensive or remain passive. Some businesses perceive these developments as opportunities and start exploring areas for improvement.
read moreManaging Disruption and Change for your organisation?
Management Master Mind is a platform that facilitates exchange of today’s’ leadership opportunities/challenges and share practical solutions. For the self-starters, there is a very structured and practical guideline as captured in the book on Behavioral Leadership. For those that like to get more examples of challenges and success stories, there is a blog for all five focus ambitions. Finally, there will be workshops, consulting and coaching for those that prefer more in-depth engagement and exchange.
The book on Behavioral Leadership
A step-by-step interactive approach to create success through employee and customer engagement covering all ambitions.
The blog on challenges and success-stories
A variety of easy-to-read articles that give more practical insights on the five ambitions that drive success.
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