The five ambitions
that will always make a difference!



Aiming for success always starts by creating ultimate clarity on your ambitions. Management Master Mind has identified the five most important success generating ambitions for any organization. These ambitions are:

1) Creating a High-Performance Organisation
2) Embedding Service Excellence
3) Mastering Implementation and Execution
4) Managing Disruption and Innovation
5) Leveraging Employee Strength and Potential

By conducting a quick scan, it will become clear what ambition has the biggest potential with the lowest effort and should, therefore, be prioritized.

Management Master Mind has developed the Mill model as an overarching framework to support all five ambitions. Our aim for more tailored solutions is is to exchange opportunities/challenges to realize these five ambitions by a) sharing ideas, b) offering support and c) develop practical solutions. In the overview below, you will find a clear definition of each ambition and also a first indication of how these ambitions can be achieved. More practical examples will be shared in the related links for each ambition.



Any organisation that wants to grow faster than competitors, requires a leadership style of exploration and utilization of all available resources and opportunities.

In order to support such ambition, it is important to set up a structure for continuous development and improvement in teams with participative leadership and a strong focus on creating and celebrating weekly successes.

Learning-by-doing in small but consistent step will create quick results. Employee engagement on the preferred actions and constructive feedback on the outcome will create an entrepreneurial mindset and positive attitude to aim  even higher.

Customers compare and buy on the internet and even in the B2B market, customers have global access to information about pricing and competitors. Direct customer engagement will be less frequent and there may be only one opportunity to make a difference through a more personal approach.

As a result, there is a need to embed service excellence in every single customer contact. Every engagement should focus on an excellent customer experience finding the best solutions and exceeding expectations.

By tracking and tracing the customer experience throughout the organisation and a continuous search for improvement, service excellence can be embedded on all levels and truly make a difference.


and Excecution

Strategic plans need more frequent reviews to cope with changing circumstances. Executing these strategic changes strategy and adjusting course during the year is difficult as changing habits and patterns of employees will take time and could face resistance.

Launching new products or processes, implementing new processes or entering new markets could take too long in the current highly competitive environment. A thorough execution/implementation approach is required, also taking the pitfalls and dependencies into consideration.

The turn-around time and risks will be lowered by breaking down bigger assignments in smaller steps, focus and a faster feedback loop, The quality of the outcome and employee buy-in will increase by organizing better engagement and more empowerment.

How to avoid to spend too much on development and betting on the wrong horse or spending too little -or too late- and facing a gap with competition that cannot be bridged anymore?

Low risk, fast innovation with quick assessment and improvement, is crucial to keep track on developments.Agile, lean, scrum, and other new techniques are being used in IT projects but there is a need to use similar principles also in other departments or organisations.

The goal is to replace lengthy revolutionary development processes by faster and more evolutionary steps. As a result development and innovation will become more flexible to adapt to a changing environment.

and Change


In many organisations the most wasted resources are probably the employees. Although employees know best what causes execution problems and how to meet customer expectations, there is no proper process in place to harvest this unique knowledge.

Engagement to understand the problem  and empowerment to find the solution, will greatly improve ownership by employees and turn-around time of implementation. Employees are being challenged to learn and develop by small steps of change or stretching every week.

Frequent and consistent action improvement will create better results, higher staff motivation and continuous personal development. The manager will show care and control in the interest of both the individual, the customer and the organisation.